The current macroeconomic environment has made financing and closing real estate transactions more difficult than ever before. In an uncertain macroeconomic environment, developers are trying to rectify higher raw materials and commodity pricing, as well as higher short-term interest rates in an ever-changing landscape.

With the current volatility in interest rates, financing transactions have become harder to navigate, which has caused real-estate transaction closings to be delayed. This causes uncertainty on whether the project will ultimately be successful. Since tax increment financing (TIF) bonds are impacted by interest rates, volatility in the interest rate environment means that developers cannot predict the final proceeds of a transaction prior to closing. This uncertainty on the bond proceeds may ultimately impact the overall construction loan as well.

Given this issue, Hageman Capital created a mechanism that allows us to lock-in interest rates on the bonds we buy prior to the closing process, which gives real estate developers and local governments certainty of the amount of proceeds that can be generated from the TIF and a more secure capital stack.

To learn more about locking in interest rates to provide peace of mind for your next project, contact the professionals at Hageman Capital today.

What’s Currently Going on in the Interest Rate Market?

Since the beginning of 2022, the market has experienced interest volatility unlike what we’ve seen in recent memory. The Federal Reserve has vowed to combat high inflation unseen since the 1980s by raising the Federal Fund rate and ultimately deciding it will reduce the supply of capital available in the market. Since the beginning of the year, the Federal Reserve has raised the Federal Fund rate four times, from near zero at the beginning of the year, to 2.25% to 2.5% by August. These increases have a direct impact on rates lenders will charge borrowers.

These rate increases have caused extreme interest rate volatility in the benchmarks lenders use to price their loans. For example, since the beginning of 2022, 10-year Treasury rates have increased over 100 basis points, with it topping out at 3.49% in June, and settling at 2.64% on July 29, 2022.

Typically, when the Federal Reserve raises rates to combat inflation, real estate developers may see commodity prices decrease over time. However, in the short term, the commodities markets may not always react as quickly as lenders and capital providers do. Additionally, commodity pricing is impacted by general supply chain issues, something which most producers are still suffering from the effects of the shutdown during the COVID-19 pandemic.

While developers can acclimate to the overall rising rates if given enough time, the short-term volatility of interest rates makes financing real estate transactions more difficult, especially if commodity and raw material pricing have not decreased.

Given that bonds typically price off an index like the 10-year Treasury for taxable securities, increases in rates (even though the spread has not increased) will result in fewer proceeds. TIF bonds follow that same logic, as higher interest rates will result in more incremental tax revenues (which pay both principal and interest), paying the interest on the bonds as opposed to principal.

Paired with the daily volatility of these indices, a developer will have difficulty finalizing their capital stack prior to construction closing.

How Does Hageman’s Interest Rate Lock Work?

Hageman Capital’s interest rate locks are a concept we’ve been developing for some time. It gives developers the option to lock-in the TIF bond’s interest rate months prior to the bond closing. By locking in the interest rates on the TIF bonds, the developer will have some certainty in the capital stack, which is advantageous in a volatile and rising interest rate environment.

We achieve this mechanism through an interest rate swap that will allow us to lock-in the spread of the transaction regardless of what rates do.

On behalf of the developer, Hageman Capital will swap the fixed cash flow of the bonds to a variable rate instrument with a counterparty. This swap will trade our fixed rate income stream (the income from the bonds we purchase, which has a fixed interest rate) for a variable rate income stream, typically a benchmark index plus a spread that would equal the fixed interest rate on the day of the swap execution. This essentially locks in the bond spread and would ensure that any changes in interest rates (up or down) would not result in a change in the spread.

What’s the Cost of Locking In Interest Rates on TIF Bonds?

Unlike a traditional option (interest rate caps/floors) that can be purchased, a swap does not carry much cost associated with the option given that it is a direct exchange of the cash flows.

However, the swap itself will have a value (positive or negative) to the parties, depending on whether rates go up or down after the swap is executed. This is also called the swap mark-to-market (MTM). MTM is typically what the parties would have to pay if the swaps were ever terminated to compensate (or receive compensation) based on the value of the swap.

Typically, depending on which side of the transaction you sit on, the swap will have value based on how much interest rates have increased. In our concept, we are executing as the fixed-to-floating party. If rates increase, the swap will have more value to us, given that we will have received a higher interest rate than we otherwise would have if we owned the fixed rate bonds.

For the counterparty (the floating-to-fixed party) to terminate the swap, they would have to pay the mark-to-market value to us (the fixed-to-floating party), since the swap will have a positive value. If rates go down in this scenario, we will have to pay the counterparty (the fixed-to-floating party), as that swap will now have a negative value.

In our program, breakage fees are only an issue if the bond transaction ultimately doesn’t close.

Contact Hageman Capital to Discuss Locking in Interest Rates on Your Next Project

Given the current volatile and rising rate environments, being able to lock-in a portion of the capital stack is more important than ever. Hageman Capital’s rate-lock mechanism allows a developer to manage changes in interest rates and ensures a more seamless closing on the remaining capital stack. While some developers are unfamiliar with the swap market, Hageman Capital’s professionals are able to provide guidance throughout the process.

Tax increment financing (TIF) has proven to be a powerful tool for municipalities across America to pay for public infrastructure that promotes economic development and growth. Without TIF bonds, many of these projects would not come to fruition.

At Hageman Capital, we see TIF bonds as the engine that sparks economic growth. Tax Increment Financing allows municipalities to pledge future taxes on new projects to pay off debt service on bonds issued today. The bonds issued today generate proceeds that directly benefit the project at the start of construction, with the funds being used to offset development costs and make a project more commercially viable.

Developer-backed TIFs are TIF bonds supported only by a specific real-estate project. Unlike TIF bonds backed by the municipality through property taxes on all parcels within a TIF district (municipal-backed bonds), developer-backed TIFs are supported only by the future tax revenue generated from a single project without any backstop.

In our most recent blog, the professionals at Hageman Capital discuss how tax incremental financing can help local communities revitalize their neighborhoods through TIF districts by providing the funding needed to improve or build needed infrastructure such as roads, water and sewer systems, buildings, and amenities.

An Example of How TIF Bonds Work

TIF bonds have sparked an economic rebirth in many blighted areas in neighborhoods across the country. By working with companies such as Hageman Capital, local governments have the resources available to redevelop devastated areas, restore older, historical buildings, and attract development where it might never occur without the use of developer-backed TIF bonds used for TIF projects.

Historically, developers have elected to finance their TIF through their construction lender instead of selling it. The primary market for these bonds has also lacked the liquidity that traditional bond markets have had. This means, that developers had difficulty selling developer-backed bonds on single-site projects, and many have elected to keep their bonds until after project stabilization.

A municipality will use TIF financing to help bridge the gap between what the development costs to build, compared to what the development needs to cost to make it commercially viable to the developer and the investor.

In 2021, Hageman Capital purchased the bonds related to a mixed-use project in a northern suburb of Indianapolis.

The bonds were supported by the tax increments generated from multi-family apartments, a parking garage, multiple for-sale condominium units, and a small retail user in the space. The variety of different uses makes bond financing unique, given the array of potential taxpayers and ownership groups having an interest in the project’s success.

The master developer of this project elected to sell the bonds prior to the start of construction to utilize our cost of capital, which is significantly lower than their cost of equity.

Hageman Capital purchased the TIF bonds associated with all the different components of the project, which, specifically the condo and the retail piece, have different owners separate from the master developer. The overall TIF bonds were over $8 million, all of which were financed on the closing day. The developer used that capital as equity with their construction lender, reducing the amount of additional equity needed in the project on day one.

This is just one example of how Hageman Capital helped develop a project that otherwise would not have come to fruition without TIF bonds. Aside from partnering with local municipalities, Hageman Capital works with developers, real estate investors, and banks.

How Did the City Benefit from This Development?

Through this development north of Indianapolis, the city could continue developing high-quality real assets in its downtown core to attract new residents and businesses. These ancillary benefits continue to make the city a more vibrant community to live in, increase property values, and create a critical mass where development can continue.

Additionally, with additional tax revenue, the project directly adds to the city’s tax base, which is a benefit for future generations. Once the TIF falls off, taxes are captured directly by the municipality, which can contribute to lower overall taxes for individual taxpayers and residents, while enjoying a high level of amenities and services provided by the City.

Maximizing Value for Developers and Communities

Hageman Capital can provide real value to municipalities and real estate developers by purchasing TIF bonds and maximizing cash proceeds available for investment into real estate projects. If you would like to learn more about our TIF purchase process, please contact us today to set up an appointment.

Oftentimes, real estate developers need to buy their own bonds, which increases the equity needed at the close of construction. However, there is a more cost-effective way of doing this.

Selling the bonds at the close of construction financing allows a developer to contribute less equity into a project, borrow less debt from a senior lender on the project, or a combination of both. In many cases, selling the TIF (tax increment financing) bonds allows a developer to generate more returns to the project.

For developers looking to monetize their secondary market bonds after the project is completed, the liquidity generated from the sale can be used towards a future project, thus requiring less equity into a future deal.

Additionally, developers who would buy their own bonds have traditionally used construction or bank financing to support the purchase. However, in rising rate environments, owning a fixed rate asset would mean a development project would take on additional interest rate risk, beyond what was intended. Selling the TIF bonds pushes that risk to an investor and allows for a more efficient placement of risk and capital.

The Process to Sell TIF Bonds

Most sale processes will involve the developer engaging an investor for the purchase of their TIF bonds. Throughout that process, a developer will:

Negotiate With the Investor

The developer negotiates with investors on acceptable terms and pricing levels. This is typically the time where an investor will bring up covenants specific to them and give a framework for pricing.

A Due Diligence Period

This involves analyzing the real estate, the taxing authority, and history of taxes. On any projects prior to construction completion, there won’t be much history of taxes, so an investor is taking on development risk, and the risk the project may not get complete.

Memorialize the Necessary Documents

Memorializing the necessary documents to complete the transaction may vary from state to state, and transaction to transaction.

Close and Fund on a Specific Date

Typically, for primary market transactions, the funding date will be on the day the construction loan is closing.

On a pre-construction completion TIF, the developer will typically work with the municipality in conjunction with the purchaser to issue the security directly to the purchaser. Some developers may elect to work with placement agents and investment banks to find investors for their transaction

For developer’s looking to sell TIF bonds or notes on projects that have already been built, the bulk of the process to sell the bonds will be driven by the investor. Much like the process outlined above, secondary market bonds carry some additional risk to investors in that it’s a transaction that may have not been structured with the ultimate bond holder in mind.

Timeframes and Fine Details

A few items to be aware of:

Contact Hageman Capital for More Information About Selling TIF Bonds

TIF is a powerful tool for both municipalities and developers to start projects that may have not been commercially viable without it. It has been one of the most impactful tools for economic development across the country.

By purchasing TIF Bonds, Hageman Capital can provide real value for real estate developers and our communities. We partner with the public and developers to purchase TIF bonds and maximize cash proceeds available for investment into the projects. If you have more questions about the TIF purchasing process, don’t hesitate to contact Hageman Capital today.