Commercial Real Estate Incentives: Unlocking Opportunities for Developers
Developing commercial real estate is a multifaceted and capital-intensive endeavor, which often requires creative financial solutions to overcome high costs and mitigate[…]

How to Choose the Right Financing for Multifamily Projects
Financing is one of the most crucial aspects of any multifamily development project. The type of financing you choose will shape not[…]

How Developers Can Structure TIF Agreements to Ensure Future Marketability of Bonds
Tax Increment Financing (TIF) is a powerful tool for developers seeking to fund infrastructure and other eligible project costs by leveraging future[…]

Understanding Feasibility Studies in Commercial Real Estate: The Role of Tax Increment Financing (TIF)
Feasibility studies are an essential component of the commercial real estate development process. These studies systematically evaluate a project’s potential for success,[…]

How Hageman Capital Helps Developers Monetize TIF Bonds
Hageman Capital was created in 2021 by Hageman Group to help real estate developers maximize their tax increment financing (TIF) incentives by[…]

TIF Monetization Basics
Tax increment financing (TIF) serves as a powerful tool for developers seeking to revitalize communities (TIF districts) and undertake ambitious economic development[…]

Developer-Backed TIF Bonds Explained
Embarking on a real estate development journey often involves navigating a complex financial landscape, and tax increment financing (TIF) bonds emerge as[…]

Tax Increment Financing Explained
TIF stands for Tax Increment Financing in the context of real estate. It is a public financing tool used by many state[…]

How Developers Can Benefit From Using TIF Bonds On Their Deals With Xiao Ou Yuan
Click here to listen to this podcast on kentritter.com >> Key Points From The Episode: – Xiao’s background, how he and Kent[…]